Evidence based decision making

  • Evidence-based decision making depends upon decision makers having access to, and understanding evidence
  • Our goal is to ensure the results of our projects inform their decision making.

  • Many projects do not engage the key decision makers
  • Are surprised when no one pays any attention to their work
  • Have no idea how decisions are made

What we need to know:

  • How are decisions made?
  • Who are the key decision makers?
    • These people may sit outside formal hierarchies
  • How can we engage them in this project?

What is evidence?

  • Evidence is an observation that is consistent with a certain idea being true.
  • In science, this evidence needs to be observable, and reproducible.
  • Therefore scientific concepts need to be backed up by reproducible observations
  • The quality of the evidence matters more than the quantity of evidence
  • Consider a bank robbery…


  • Inference = coming to a conclusion through a process of reasoning
  • Inference also speaks about the quality of our evidence



  • Only birds have feathers. [Premise 1]
  • A chicken has feathers. [Premise 2]
  • Therefore a chicken is a bird. [Conclusion]



  • All of the cows for sale I have ever seen have been brown. [Premise 1]
  • My mother is going to buy a cow. [Premise 2]
  • Therefore the new cow will probably be brown. [Conclusion]

  • Induction allows us to make probable conclusions from samples.
  • Statistics is the science of inductive reasoning.

Strength of inference

  • Our ability to remove the possibility that the same outcome could be produced by a different explanation
  • The more explanations you can successfully eliminate the stronger the inference

Ancedotal evidence

  • Aunt Elaine says that high rice bran feed is the best fish food.
  • Its the opinion of Aunt Elaine.
  • There is no measurement.
  • The change could be explained many alternate pathways.

Observational study

  • Aunt Elaine’s fish production in her pond went from an 28.2 kg to 32.1 kg in the year when she changed from a low rice bran feed to a high rice bran feed

  • Fish production changed between years in Aunt Elaine’s pond.
  • We also know that this coincided with the change to a high rice bran fish feed.
  • Results could be one-off (no replication), a result of local conditions or due to a difference unrelated to fish feed.

Constrained study

  • In a before-after study involving 12 farmers, each with one pond, on average fish production improved between years from an average of 27.4 kg to 34.2 kg when a change was made from a low rice bran feed to a high rice bran feed

  • Fish production coincided with the change to a high rice bran fish feed
  • Consistent across all ponds so not likely due to local pond conditions
  • Could still be due to a difference between years unrelated to the type of fish feed

Manipulated experiment

  • In a before-after-control-impact study involving 12 farmers, each with one pond, in year 1 all fish ponds received a low rice bran feed, in year 2 a random selection of 6 fish ponds received a high rice bran feed while the other 6 received the low rice bran feed.
  • In year 1 fish production averaged 27.4 kg, while in year 2 the ponds receiving the low rice bran feed averaged 35.4 kg, and the ponds receiving the high rice bran feed averaged 32.9 kg.

  • Fish production increased in the second year.
  • There was an inter-year increase unrelated to fish feed.
  • There may or may not be an additional effect of fish feed (going in the direction opposite of that expected)

Think about inference not numbers

  • How can we prove that an intervention is working?
  • and we wouldn’t get the same result without it?

  • Sometimes referred to as “Counterfactual approaches / thinking

Single site: 1 measurement (baseline only)

  • Advantage: a starting point
  • Disadvantage: just a lonely piece of information, no inference

Single site: 2 measurements (longitudinal study)

  • Advantage: we start to see differences through time
  • Disadvantage: low sample size - can’t distinguish between signal and noise

Single site: 3 measurements

  • Advantage: more measurements = more confidence it isn’t noise
  • Disadvantage: more measurements = more work

Two sites: 3 measurements

  • Advantage: we can see inherent differences between sites
  • Disadvantage: doubled the amount of monitoring

Control-Impact: measuring after intervention

  • Advantage: a counterfactual is measured
  • Disadvantage: sites may not be replicates (A > B: incorrect), we don’t know the “before” state

Before-After one site only

  • Advantage: the site is its own “control”
  • Disadvantage: could be just a temporal effect coinciding with the intervention, or just noise, absence of a temporal “control” impacts inference

Before-After Control-Impact

  • Advantage: we know how sites inherently differ, there is a temporal control, strong inference.
  • Disadvantage: we need to have the social license for non-intervention in the temporal control

Better inference

For experiments

  • Use a control group (easier said than done)
  • Avoid bias by random assignment to treatment (e.g intervention vs control)
  • Include “before” monitoring to understand site based differences

Better inference

  • More sites give us confidence to apply our results more generally
  • A greater sample size (number of observations) allows us to better separate signal from noise and ask more sophisticated questions
  • Simulate your study design before hand to ensure sample size will be adequate

  • BE PRACTICAL: easier to simplify your question rather than increase sample size

No social license for “controls”

  • Consider staggered entry (controls are created through time lags)
  • Every community gets the exactly the same interventions but the timing of when they receive it differs

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Practical staggered entry

Staggered entry: consider deploying 2 mutually exclusive projects

  • 1st year: baseline monitoring
  • 2nd year: communities randomly receive project A or B
  • 3rd year: communities receive the missing project

  • Advantage: BACI inference
  • Advantage: communities do not see themselves as penalised

Inference in developing countries

Organisational capacity is an issue

  • CBOs: qualititative methods e.g. testimonials (narrative)
  • small NGOs: before-after perception surveys (tables & excel graphs)
  • national NGOs/ government departments: field monitoring: before-after, less often control-impact (basic statistical methods e.g. t-tests, chi-squared tests)
  • INGOs: potential for some advanced statistical methods (e.g. linear mixed-effect models, use of remote sensing data)
  • international collaborations with researchers: novel statistical methods and innovative project design

Decision makers

  • You now understand the effectiveness of your project or now know how to exploit a pattern in the data e.g. new anti-malaria practice
  • How do you ensure the decision makers are aware of this information?
  • How do you ensure the decision makers use this information in their decision making?

  • Ideally:
    • you developed a plan early on
    • decision makers have been actively involved all along


  • Decision makers need to be involved early
  • Focus monitoring on inference not numbers
  • Aim for the best inference within budget constraints & organisational ability
  • Be realistic
    • If it will be a challenge for a CBO to collect and evaluate data, accept qualitative data such as testimonials
    • A well financed, multi-year project run by a large INGO should be held to a much higher level of inference

Next up …

Strategy & data integration

  • Most organisations don’t understand how data and strategy fit together.
  • Data is not just for experiments…