
This workshop is about data integration for better conservation and development projects


  1. Introduction
  2. Science & adaptive management
  3. Evidence & decision making
  4. Strategy & data integration
  5. The dark art of data science
  6. Data disasters and how to avoid them

Helpful definitions

  • Development: a discipline focused on alleviating aspects of poverty. Poverty arises when the options for a person to live their life are severely restricted
  • Conservation: a discipline focused on safeguarding natural features, ecological function, species, and promoting sustainable use of the environment


  • Sustainability: ensuring that the harvest from a system does not exceed its productivity
  • Often misused when talking about ‘project sustainability’ (code for recurrent funding)
  • No project can continue without constant input of energy
  • To do so would suggest the existence of a perpetual motion machine

Next up…

Science & adaptive management